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AMAZING!! - Someone Built A Fully Functioning Star Destroyer Shaped Computer

In the first big “random, everyday object made to look like something Star Wars” story of the day, we bring you a computer shaped like a Star Destroyer.

This is the work of intrepid modder Sander van der Velden, who integrated the PC’s hardware and architecture into features of the ship, including the engines.

The frame is made of aluminum, while the rest was created with a 3D printer.

You can see some pictures of the finished project in the gallery below. If you want to see the entire process, check out  van der Velden’s photo blog.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is currently playing in theaters.

Via Kotaku

AMAZING!! - Someone Built A Fully Functioning Star Destroyer Shaped Computer AMAZING!! - Someone Built A Fully Functioning Star Destroyer Shaped Computer Reviewed by iViral on 8:04 PM Rating: 5

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