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WATCH: Learn how to keep your home extra safe with these home security life hacks

Thieves are always on the lookout for where the valuables are hidden once they've broken into your house. Beating them at their own game can be done with an item as simple as a trio of three-ring binders.

YouTube user Household Hacker showcases this handy tip to lead would-be thieves away from your valuables by gluing together parts of three-ring binders to form a "treasure cave" where expensive items can be stored on a bookcase while looking like mere paper storage holders.

When it comes to getting robbed, for most people it's a matter of when not if, according to crime statistics website SafeGuard the World. The site delivers the sobering statistics that 2 million home burglaries are reported in the U.S. every year, and about 30 percent of those are done through unlocked doors and windows.

Having a security system in place is the best threat you can have to deter thieves - SafeGuard the World reports that homes without security systems are 300 percent more likely to suffer a break-in.

One of Household Hacker's other tips and tricks is kind of old school: making cardboard cutouts of yourself to leave at home when you go out at night. Using a large cardboard box, have a family member lie down and draw a rough outline around their torso and head. When going out for the evening, place the cutout near a light source so that it projects against the curtain or shade near the front of your house to dissuade would-be home invaders.

Check out the video below for more tips.

WATCH: Learn how to keep your home extra safe with these home security life hacks WATCH: Learn how to keep your home extra safe with these home security life hacks Reviewed by iViral on 1:28 AM Rating: 5

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